Galaxy Innovations Gi 9995/Vu+ Ultimo, Gi S9895/Vu+ Duo, Gi S8180/Vu+ Solo, Gi S8895/Vu+ Uno HD Linux E2 > Программы и утилиты


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 eSettings+ is a Satellite editor program for Windows, the project was created to give greater fluidity and speed to a previous program "Dogsettings", that it does not mean giving it only a new look but also to have improved more some features that it will be explained as in special section, the main objective of the project is to add more and more features to the program and be able to embrace most of the decoders currently on the market.
In eSettings+ unlike his predecessor it was in fact implemented the ability to handle new decoders which currently Alitech with chipAli3612, we can not exclude the possibility of adding more of them.
The decoders managed in this release are: Enigma2, Neutrino HD, Spark, A3 Spark2, ALi3612.

-Loading settings from file & decoder
-Save to file & decoder
-Creating operational profiles
-Complete management of channels and favorites lists
-Complete management of satellites
-Enigma2 conversion settings - Neutrino HD- Spark - Spark2 - Ali3612 and vv.vv.
-Complete management settings for system Spark / Spark2 SAT + DTT
-Importing favorite channels lists
-Import Export favorite lists - Export channel list in CSV format
-Import channel list from KingOfSat/SatChart
-Iptv management for Enigma2 and Neutrino systems
-Import files IPTV m3u

The program was translated into Russian language with Google Translator
Russian.lng file contains the translation, if anyone wants to fix it, and send it to me ... I'll publish it with the next release.

Thank you

подкоректировал немного русский перевод.
всё не осилил

почему игнорирует перевод TV, Radio и Dati ???

Линк сдох


eSettings+ version

The features are:
-Loading settings from file & decoder
- Save to file & decoder
- Creating operational profiles
-Complete management of channels and favorites lists
-Complete management of satellites
-Enigma2 conversion settings - Neutrino - Spark - Spark2 - Ali3612 and vv.vv.
-Complete management settings for system Spark / Spark2 SAT + DTT
-Importing favorite channels lists
-Import Export favorite lists - Export channel list in CSV format
-Import channel list from KingOfSat
-Import channel list from SatChart
-IPTV channels manager (enigma2 and Neutrino HD systems)
-Import IPTV channels list m3u format
-Signal Analyzer Audio/video
-Login TELNET session
- FTP Client
-Player TV/IPTV Channels with current channel EPG (for enigma2 system)
-Sperimental management format Enigma2 V.5 (lamedb5 by OpenPli)
-Management multistream in Enigma2


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