Galaxy Innovations Gi 9995/Vu+ Ultimo, Gi S9895/Vu+ Duo, Gi S8180/Vu+ Solo, Gi S8895/Vu+ Uno HD Linux E2 > Программы и утилиты

Загрузчик 2.0


Новый загрузчик v.2.0 для 8180

New CFE Image for Vu+ Solo

The CFE image of Vu+ Solo is updated.

The main difference from the old one is supporting the large size image more than 48MB.

Please see the detailed explanation of update as below.

    Unzip the cfe_solo_2.0.rar to USB stick. (There should be /vuplus/solo/cfe_cfe_auto.bin)
    Insert USB stick into the USB port of solo and power on the box.
    It takes just a few secs to update.
    If solo's front led blinks continuously, restart box.
    To proceed with image update, you should delete the cfe_cfe_auto.bin at /vuplus/solo in USB stick once bootloader update is finished.


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