Автор Тема: Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.5 "Multiple"  (Прочитано 6772 раз)

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Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.5 "Multiple"
« : 02 Июнь 2012, 01:26:55 »
Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.5 "Multiple"

The "codename" of Black Hole 1.7.5 is Multiple because it is

    Multi Boot
    Multi Universes
    Multi Partitioning usb sticks
    Multi UPnP servers (Mediatomb and Minidlna)

What's New:

    Multi Partitioning
    Parallel Universes Setup with the option to protect access with a pin code
    Enigma2 dvbapp updated to 31 May 2012
    Army default Skin updated
    Added a second UPnP server (Minidlna) for maximum compatibility with all current tv's

Note on Multiple Partitioning:

The "Usb Format Wizard" of Black Hole 1.7.5 will allow you to partition and format your
usb sticks from 1 to 4 different partitions.
You can for example create 3 partitions in your usb stick and then mount them in 3 different mountpoints in device manager (i.e usb, universes, cf)

Note on Universes setup:

By clicking ok you will now access the Universe Configuration menu (Black Hole home doesn't need a config)
You will have 3 options:

    Universe access protected
    Universe access pin
    Force reboot in Black hole.

Setting the first option to Yes, will mean that the Universe will be protected with a pin
If you do not set a pin the default pin will be 0000
Setting force reboot in Black Hole means the image will not boot into this Universe (useful for a pin protected universe, to be sure that nobody can access it, if you forgot to switch to another dimension before you poweroff).
Note: the Universes pin and config are reset by a big bang

Note on Multiple UPnP servers.

Black Hole 1.7.5 include 2 different Dlna Servers:


- Mediatomb allows you to stream between two different boxes and take advantage of the BH Tuner/Server feature, but it is not compatible with many devices and the project is no longer updated.
- Minidlna is more upto date and compatible with many devices and most modern tv's. Use it if you want to connect from your tv or other devices to your box to share your media contents.

Warning: you cannot use old Universes on the new image version.

Извините, вам запрещён просмотр содержимого спойлеров.

Скачать имидж с upload giclub.tv по ссылке
VU+ Duo2, VU+ Solo2, VU+ SoloSE, GI 9995, GI 9895, GI 8895, GI 8180, GI 8120, GI HD Slim& Plus& Combo
Satellite: 4w, 1.9е, 4.9e, 7e, 9e, 13e, 16е, 19e, 23.5e, 36e, 53e, 55e, 75e, 85.2e, 90e


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